Our Pastor & Family
He earned a bachelor’s degree from The University of Minnesota, and a Master of Divinity degree from Evangelical Seminary. It was during his educational pursuit in Minnesota that he met the love of his life, Lady Shaniqua Robertson. Lady Robertson works alongside her husband in ministry, faithfully assists in the Pastoral care of the woman, and serves in the music ministry. From their blessed union, they have one daughter and she participate faithfully in the children’s ministry.
Together, with the leadership and members of The Rock Church, they seek to model godliness, humility, servant-leadership, love, faithful care, and Scriptural order within the Church of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Joshua C. Robertson is the Senior Pastor of The Rock Church of Harrisburg, PA. Along with his wife Shaniqua Robertson, he established The Rock Church. As the Senior Pastor of the church, the church has been successful in her mission to evangelize the lost, equip the believer, and empower the disciple, to the Glory of GOD. Pastor Robertson has a deep and very intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and lives by his father’s motto for life “If I can help somebody as I pass along, then my living will not be in vain.” The Lord called him to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ on November 11, 2007; he accepted this call and was recognized as a minister in the Lord’s church in the fall of 2009, and to GOD be the glory, his life has never been the same. From that day on, Pastor Robertson has felt compelled to bring people to Christ through the ministry of the word. His love relationship with Jesus Christ motivates his activity and concern for his community, his church, and above all, his family.